
Shopping Cart Instructions

Shopping Cart Instructionslink

Congratulations! You have successfully applied the Shopping Cartlink-external profile.

You might need to rebuild your search index to allow all to see the installed products. Rebuild Now.

System updateslink

The profile has updated your system:

  1. Installed the pages
  2. A new tracker “Products” is defined. It contains the product definitions. Add items to this tracker, to define new products.
  3. Products are categorized. A new “Products” category is created. It contains some sample sub categories.
  4. A new file gallery “Product Images” is created to store the product images.
  5. New groups have been added for managers and customers. Managers can administer payments and perform manual payments.
  6. Some required features have been activated. This includes unified search. Remember to rebuild the index!

In addition, in Tiki15link-external, you need to add some custom css in the Look & Feel control panel, such as :

#right_modules {width:200px};

which will make all right modules wider, so that at least contents for the shopping cart are shown in side the module box.

Next stepslink

  1. Review the Products
  2. Define your product categories
  3. Manage the products offered in the Products tracker
  4. Add a user to the Manager group (unless admin operates it). Go to admin groups.

Paypal setuplink

  1. Set up PayPal environment
    • In order to use PayPal with the Shopping Cart in a production site, you will need:
      1. A PayPal account
      2. A static IP address, for callbacks from PayPal
    • However, in order to test this profile, the Paypal sandbox has been enabled.
      1. Test using the PayPal sandbox. Check payments
  2. Configure PayPal in Tiki

More informationlink

To get back to this page later, go to Wiki/List Pages, in the admin menu.

See also:


Test Shopper Info

Erstellt von admin. Letzte Änderung: Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2020 19:46:09 CEST von oliver. (Version 4)


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